What’s a literary magazine?
A literary magazine—also known as a literary journal or a creative journal—is one avenue many writers pursue to get their work published. Literary magazines publish creative work such as poems, short stories, creative nonfiction essays, and artwork that has previously not been published. They provide a way for readers to read the brand-new, cutting-edge work being done in these fields. Many writers who work towards publishing a book first publish individual pieces of their work in literary magazines in order to build their resumé and give credibility to what they are writing; depending on the type of book you are trying to publish, it often helps to have work previously published in literary magazines before approaching an agent. Of course, you can also publish your writing in literary magazines without ever planning to publish a full-length book. There are thousands of literary magazines published all over the world, many of them publishing work on a specific theme.

How can I publish my work in Here.?
Any student in grades 9-12 who attends school in the Southeast Missouri region is eligible to submit their work for consideration of publication in the magazine before Monday, April 7, 2025. The student editorial board will read or view each submission and select the pieces that will be published in Here..

How can I be on the student editorial board for Here.?
Students in grades 9-12 who attend school in the Southeast Missouri region are eligible to apply to the student editorial board by Friday, September 20, 2024. The professional Here. board made up of working writers and artists from the Southeast Missouri region will then select the students from this application pool who will serve on the student editorial board. Students should commit to attending at least six of the eight workshops in order to be a part of the editorial board.

Can I participate in the editorial board even if I don’t have transportation to and from Cape Girardeau during the time the board meets?
Yes. We would love for you to be able to be present in-person for each editorial board workshop at our rustmedia office in Cape Girardeau, but we don’t want a lack of transportation to discourage you from applying for this opportunity if you want it to be yours! If you don’t have transportation to and from Cape Girardeau once a month and are selected to be on the student editorial board, we will work with you and utilize technology so you can be a part of it.

Can I participate as part of both the writing and art student editorial boards?
Yes. You only need to fill out one application, however. Choose whichever field—writing or art—you think best represents your strengths and goals. On that application, select the "Both" option where it asks which board you are interested in applying for. Attach either all writing or all artwork samples, depending upon the application you decide to fill out. We will be in touch regarding the other medium.

How can I have a professional writer or artist from Southeast Missouri visit my school to give a workshop?
If you’re a student, share this opportunity with your teacher or administrator. If you’re a teacher or administrator, email Here. founder Mia Pohlman at mpohlman@rustmedia.com. In your email, state if you would like to have a writer or artist visit your classroom, the month that would work best for the visiting writer or artist to come, and the time your class period takes place. Although we may not be able to accommodate all requests, schools and classrooms will be randomly selected to participate in this opportunity.

Does it cost anything for schools, teachers, and students to participate in these opportunities?
Nope. We have some incredible partners behind this program who believe in young people and the arts in Southeast Missouri, and they’re taking care of the bills so all students can have access to becoming writers and artists. See who these kind, action-oriented folks are here.

How can I get a copy of the literary magazine?
We’ll print a newspaper version of the literary magazine that will be inserted into the Southeast Missourian newspaper in August.