the unwelcome visitor

By Kennedi Fischer
Ste. Genevieve High School
Grade 9

when grief comes knocking at my door it bears no warning,

no hi, hello, nor a good morning

it does not tell of its stay or when it will go away

as i feel my body slowly start fading to gray


my voice begins to break and my eyes start to swell 

at the sight of the hoodie that still contains your smell

i find myself in your room lying face down on the floor

looking back on all of the memories we've shared before 


i seek for ways to heal in my home

even with family around i can’t help but feel all alone

my ears are bleeding from the songs i’ve played a thousand times

and the voices in my head that spin in circles sometimes 


when grief goes walking out my door it exits without a word

only the unspoken silence it left can be heard

it’s time to go on with my life, to pretend as if nothing’s wrong

still trying to distract myself like I have been all along 


i still think about that night every now and then

you’ve been gone nine months, or maybe it’s been ten

i don’t mean to forget you, but I hate this feeling 

because sometimes we just need a little more time for healing