LLG (Long Live Grogan)

By Ethan Geringer
Jackson Senior High School
Grade 12

Written in dedication to Austin Grogan

Formatting style of Jason Reynolds’ book “Long Way Down”

The elevator doors s l o w l y came to a stop        And Sadness

The door slid op   en                                                  And ...

I could NOT believe my eyes                                  I wanted to yell at him.

All Jordan ...                                                                I wanted to dap him up

Shirt.                                                                            I wanted to sit there and have a

Sweatpants.                                                              D


Socks.                                                                         E



A face I've seen thousands of times                    Conversation. One. More. Time.

But not at all in the last few years                        So many emotions at once

Usually you see a long-lost friend and,               Rushing all through my body.

you smile.                                                                    I did not know what to say.

Embrace them with total joy                                 All I could do was remember.

But a glimpse this time ...                                      Two weeks prior to when I found out

And                                                                              He told me he was clean.


Lots. of. Pain.

And Anger